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Trivel E-Azteca Fat Trike



Tomcat Tiger Foot Propelled Trike

With its narrow pedal design tucked inside a zero-maintenance frame, riders can pedal with ease. The ideal therapy tool for growing bodies.   


Tomcat Fizz Road Trike

The world’s first bike to offer a complete package of rear care control, two piece frame and trailer options. Lightest bike in its class, engineered and built around the rider and family requirements. 


Tomcat Roadhog Trike

Multi-speed trike for riders with less adaptive needs. Easy transport two-piece design and lightweight frame. Comes in multiple size options. 


Trivel Maya Trike

A Canadian classic with easy pedaling using signature semi-recumbent design. Full pedal, steering and seating options available. Fits wide range inseam (12-20”). 


VanRaam Husky Trike

Ultra-stable model with specialty designed cranks allowing rider to  move and pedal naturally. Integrated crank shortners in a lightweight design under 25 lbs.  



Monday to Friday: 11-6 pm

Saturday: 11-5 pm

Closed: Sunday 


lundi-vendredi : 11h-18h

samedi : 11h-17h

fermé: dimanche 


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967 Wolseley Avenue

Winnipeg, Manitoba

R3G 1E8



Our partners:

Nos partenaires:


VanRaam, Tomcat

Trivel, Pfautec, Huka

Sollso, Buzz, Worksman

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Adaptive Bikes Canada

is a branch of Prairie Velo, a made-in Manitoba business that sells electric-assist bikes, trikes, walking bikes, tandems, recumbents and handbikes that suit all levels of physical ability.


We stand behind our motto "Cycling/rolling is for Every body". Our products are chosen for their outstanding quality and are designed by the world's leading manufacturers of adaptive products.




Adaptive Bikes Canada est une branche de Prairie Vélo, une entreprise manitobaine, qui vend des vélos à assistance électrique, des tricycles, des vélos de marche, des tandems, des vélos couchés et des vélos à mains qui conviennent à tous les niveaux de capacité physique.


Nous respectons notre devise « Le vélo et la marche, c'est pour tout le monde ». Nos produits sont choisis pour leur qualité exceptionnelle et sont conçus par les plus grands fabricants mondiaux de produits adaptés.


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